Gleam doesn't use exceptions for error handling, instead the generic Result
type is returned by functions that can either succeed or fail.
The Result
type is built into the language so you don't need to define or import it, but if you were to define it yourself it would look like this:
pub type Result(value, error) {
The Ok
variant is returned when a function succeeds, and the Error
variant is returned when a function fails.
Results are very common in Gleam, and Gleam programmers will commonly use the gleam/result
module to make working with them easier.
function can be used to call a function on the value inside a result if it is an Ok
, or to pass through an Error
|> { x + 1 })
// -> Ok(2)
Error("Oh no!")
|> { x + 1 })
// -> Error("Oh no!")
The result.try
function is similar, but the callback function is expected to return a result. This is useful for chaining together multiple functions that return results.
|> result.try(fn(x) { Ok(x + 1) })
// -> Ok(2)
|> result.try(fn(x) { Error("Nope!") })
// -> Error("Nope!")
In this exercise, you'll be applying the rules of the game of Go. The rules themselves are already written, you just need to apply them in order to update the Game and to handle any errors / violations of the rules.
The game is represented as follows:
pub type Player {
pub type Game {
white_captured_stones: Int,
black_captured_stones: Int,
player: Player,
error: String,
There are 4 rules in the game:
Write the content of the apply_rules
function, which takes an initial Game
and a set of rules, and returns the new Game
after the rules have been applied.
Three of the rules all check for violations of the rules and may return an error, and so have the return type of Result(Game, String)
. If any of these rules fail, the original game should be returned, but with the error
field updated with the relevant error.
The other rule does not check for violations and so cannot fail (although it can return a changed Game
), and so has the return type of Game
If all the rules pass, then any changes to Game
from the rules should be kept, and the player should be changed.
pub fn apply_rules(
game: Game,
rule1: fn(Game) -> Result(Game, String),
rule2: fn(Game) -> Game,
rule3: fn(Game) -> Result(Game, String),
rule4: fn(Game) -> Result(Game, String),
) -> Game {
// -> If all rules pass, return a `Game` with all changes from the rules applied, and change player
// -> If any rule fails, return the original Game, but with the error field set
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