Treasure Chest
Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest

Learning Exercise



A type is a generic type when it can contain values of any type using a type parameter.

For example, this Box type has the type parameter a (written with lowercase letters).

pub type Box(a) {

The a type parameter is a placeholder for any type, so Box can be used with strings, ints, or any other type.

Box("Hello, Joe!") // The type is Box(String)

Box(42) // The type is Box(Int)

A type can have multiple type parameters by separating them with commas.

pub type Pair(a, b) {
  Pair(a, b)

Generic functions

Type parameters can also be used in the arguments of functions.

This function takes a value of the type a and calls twice a function that takes an a and returns a b.

pub fn twice(value: a, f: fn(a) -> b) -> b {
// The type is fn(String, fn(String) -> Nil) -> Nil
twice("Hello, Joe!", io.println)


In this exercise you're going to write a generic (/ magical!) TreasureChest, to store some treasure.

1. Define the TreasureChest generic custom type

Define a TreasureChest custom type with a single variant.

The variant should have an associated String value, which will be used to store the password of the treasure chest.

The variant should also have an associate generic value, which will be used to store the treasure. This value is generic so that the treasure can be anything.

2. Define the UnlockResult type

Define a UnlockResult custom type with two variants.

The first variant should be Unlocked, and should hold generic value, which will be used to store the treasure.

The second variant should be WrongPassword, which holds no values.

3. Define the get_treasure function

This function should take two parameters

  • a TreasureChest generic custom type
  • a String (for trying a password)

This function should check the provided password attempt against the String in the TreasureChest.

The function should return a UnlockResult.

If the passwords match then return Unlocked with the generic value from the TreasureChest (the treasure!)

If the passwords do not match then return WrongPassword.

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