Like other languages, Go also provides a switch
statement. Switch statements are a shorter way to write long if ... else if
statements. To make a switch, we start by using the keyword switch
followed by a value or expression. We then declare each one of the conditions with the case
keyword. We can also declare a default
case, that will run when none of the previous case
conditions matched:
operatingSystem := "windows"
switch operatingSystem {
case "windows":
// do something if the operating system is windows
case "linux":
// do something if the operating system is linux
case "macos":
// do something if the operating system is macos
// do something if the operating system is none of the above
One interesting thing about switch statements, is that the value after the switch
keyword can be omitted, and we can have boolean conditions for each case
age := 21
switch {
case age > 20 && age < 30:
// do something if age is between 20 and 30
case age == 10:
// do something if age is equal to 10
// do something else for every other case
In this exercise we will simulate the first turn of a Blackjack game.
You will receive two cards and will be able to see the face up card of the dealer. All cards are represented using a string such as "ace", "king", "three", "two", etc. The values of each card are:
card | value | card | value |
ace | 11 | eight | 8 |
two | 2 | nine | 9 |
three | 3 | ten | 10 |
four | 4 | jack | 10 |
five | 5 | queen | 10 |
six | 6 | king | 10 |
seven | 7 | other | 0 |
Note: Commonly, aces can take the value of 1 or 11 but for simplicity we will assume that they can only take the value of 11.
Depending on your two cards and the card of the dealer, there is a strategy for the first turn of the game, in which you have the following options:
Although not optimal yet, you will follow the strategy your friend Alex has been developing, which is as follows:
Implement a function to calculate the numerical value of a card:
value := ParseCard("ace")
// Output: 11
Write a function that implements the decision logic as described above:
func FirstTurn(card1, card2, dealerCard string) string
Here are some examples for the expected outcomes:
FirstTurn("ace", "ace", "jack") == "P"
FirstTurn("ace", "king", "ace") == "S"
FirstTurn("five", "queen", "ace") == "H"
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