
Collatz Conjecture
Collatz Conjecture in Haskell
collatz :: Integer -> Maybe Integer
collatz n = case compare n 1 of
  LT -> Nothing
  EQ -> Just 0
  GT -> (1 +) <$> collatz (if even n then n `div` 2 else 3 * n + 1)

The number of steps it takes to get to 1 is one plus however many more steps it will take after taking one step. This suggest a recursive solution.


Recursion in Haskell is the phenomenon of functions or values being defined in terms of themselves. For example, here is a recursive definition of an (infinite) list:

-- A recursive (constant) value
ones :: [Integer]
ones = 1 : ones
--          👆
--      recursion

-- `ones` is infinite, so take care to
-- ask for only finitely many elements

-- >>> take 5 ones
-- [1,1,1,1,1]

And here is a recursive definition of the well-known factorial function:

-- A recursive function
factorial :: Integer -> Integer
factorial n
  | n <= 0    = 1
  | otherwise = n * factorial (n - 1)
--                      👆
--                  recursion

-- >>> factorial 5 == 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 * 1
-- True

This factorial function will always produce an output, because

  • it contains a base case that directly results in output, and
  • it only ever recursively applies itself to 'smaller' values than its own argument, and
  • any series of ever 'smaller' values is guaranteed to eventually hit one of the base cases.

In the case of factorial 4 above we have

factorial 4
 = (4 * factorial 3)
 = (4 * (3 * factorial 2))
 = (4 * (3 * (2 * factorial 1)))
 = (4 * (3 * (2 * (1 * factorial 0))))
 = (4 * (3 * (2 * (1 * 1))))
 = (4 * (3 * (2 * 1)))
 = (4 * (3 * 2))
 = (4 * 6)
 = 24

Haskell does not provide any dedicated loop devices such as many other languages' for and while constructs. Instead, all 'loopiness' in Haskell is produced through recursion – if not by you then under the hood of some of the functions you use.

In this approach

First, we compare the input with 1. If it is less than 1 then the input is invalid and we return Nothing. If it is exactly 1, then the number of steps it takes to reach 1 is zero – because we're already there – so we return Just 0.

If the input is greater than 1, it'll take at least one step to get to 1. This step we calculate using the Collatz formula:

nextStep n = if even n then n `div` 2 else 3 * n + 1

After this step it'll take some more (possibly zero) steps to reach 1. To compute how many, we recursively call collatz. The total number it will take to get to 1 is one more than whatever the recursive call finds.

The recursive calls produces a Maybe Integer rather than just an Integer, so we cannot just increment it. Nothing that a bit of pattern matching won't fix, however:

theAnswer =
  case collatz (if even n then n `div` 2 else 3 * n + 1) of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just steps -> Just (steps + 1)

This pattern of mapping Nothing to Nothing and Just to Just is very common. The function fmap was invented to do it for us:

-- >>> fmap (+1) Nothing
-- Nothing

-- >>> fmap (+1) (Just 6)
-- Just 7

It makes the code a lot more compact.

theAnswer =
  fmap (1 +) (collatz (if even n then n `div` 2 else 3 * n + 1))

The solution highlighted at the top is slightly different: it uses <$> instead of fmap.

<$> is a synonym of fmap and so does exactly the same thing: fmap f xs == f <$> xs always. Sometimes using the operator results in more readable code, but it might take some getting used to.

theAnswer =
  (1 +) <$> collatz (if even n then n `div` 2 else 3 * n + 1)

Considerations on this approach

In a way, this solution is elegant. However, it suffers an inefficiency.

For example, evaluation of collatz 16 might go as follows.

collatz 16
  = (1 +) <$> collatz 8
  = (1 +) <$> ((1 +) <$> collatz 4)
  = (1 +) <$> ((1 +) <$> ((1 +) <$> collatz 2))
  = (1 +) <$> ((1 +) <$> ((1 +) <$> ((1 +) <$> collatz 1)))
  = (1 +) <$> ((1 +) <$> ((1 +) <$> ((1 +) <$> Just 0)))
  = (1 +) <$> ((1 +) <$> ((1 +) <$> Just 1))
  = (1 +) <$> ((1 +) <$> Just 2)
  = (1 +) <$> Just 3
  = Just 4

A tower of nested <$> applications forms! For every step a <$> layer is added. For numbers that take a long time to reach 1 this can take a lot of memory.

(As it happens, Collatz stopping times tend to be very short. But the general points still stands.)

It is impossible to collapse the tower early. <$> needs to know whether its right operand is a Nothing or a Just, but this does not become clear until the last step has been taken.

For an example of how to avoid this problem, see the worker–wrapper approach.

11th Sep 2024 · Found it useful?