Micro Blog

Micro Blog



You have identified a gap in the social media market for very very short posts. Now that Twitter allows 280 character posts, people wanting quick social media updates aren't being served. You decide to create your own social media network.

To make your product noteworthy, you make it extreme and only allow posts of 5 or less characters. Any posts of more than 5 characters should be truncated to 5.

To allow your users to express themselves fully, you allow Emoji and other Unicode.

The task is to truncate input strings to 5 characters.

Text Encodings

Text stored digitally has to be converted to a series of bytes. There are 3 ways to map characters to bytes in common use.

  • ASCII can encode English language characters. All characters are precisely 1 byte long.
  • UTF-8 is a Unicode text encoding. Characters take between 1 and 4 bytes.
  • UTF-16 is a Unicode text encoding. Characters are either 2 or 4 bytes long.

UTF-8 and UTF-16 are both Unicode encodings which means they're capable of representing a massive range of characters including:

  • Text in most of the world's languages and scripts
  • Historic text
  • Emoji

UTF-8 and UTF-16 are both variable length encodings, which means that different characters take up different amounts of space.

Consider the letter 'a' and the emoji 'πŸ˜›'. In UTF-16 the letter takes 2 bytes but the emoji takes 4 bytes.

The trick to this exercise is to use APIs designed around Unicode characters (codepoints) instead of Unicode codeunits.

Unicode code points vs code units.

A "normal" UTF-16 encoded string can be represented as a series of characters, where each character can be up to 16 bits long (hence, the name UTF-16). This means there are a maximum of 2¹⁢ (two to the power of sixteen), or 65536 possible characters representable with 16 bits, or 1 code unit. These 65536 characters form what's known as the Basic Multilingual Set, which is large enough for the most common characters of most languages.

However, some symbols, can't fit in just 1 code unit. The solution is to represent them with two code units. These two UTF-16 code units, often also reffered to as a surrogate pair, form a code point.

So, in summary, when reffering to UTF-16 encoding:

  • A code unit is 16 (or less) bits representing a single character.
  • A code point is one or two code units representing a single character.

To add more confusion to the mix, theres also grapheme clusters, that are basically sequences of Unicode characters (code points) that should be treated as a single visual unit. For example, some emojis, like this one πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¦.

UTF-16 in Javascript

Most built-in Javascript methods will work with UTF-16 encoded strings, however they work based on UTF-16 code units. For example, a String.prototype.split("") method will separate a string by code units.

On the other hand, String iterators iterate by code points.

You can read a lot more, and find examples about Unicode strings, on MDN.

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