A leap year (in the Gregorian calendar) occurs:
Some examples:
For a delightful, four-minute explanation of the whole phenomenon of leap years, check out this YouTube video.
Your task is to determine whether a given year is a leap year.
The tests for this exercise (and future exercises), are prefix numbered like 'test00_'. This is not a normal convention in Pharo, however to ease the study of the language it is useful to present tests in a deterministic order.
For this exercise, study the 'arithmetic' method category for class Number, as well as how boolean operators are also defined as messages. Notice how "and:" and "or:" are implented in the classes True and False. You can use the context menu item "senders of..." to view how other parts of Pharo use these operators.
You may also find something useful trying... World > Tools > Finder > Examples > 20 . 4 . true
which is asking Pharo which operations between the first and second elements result in the third.
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Deep dive into the different algorithms and approaches you can use to solve Leap, as Jeremy and Erik explore interesting Community Solutions across 10 different languages on Exercism.