City Office
City Office

City Office

Learning Exercise


Type Declaration

Type declarations in PHP provide type assertions at run time for function arguments, return values and class properties. On functions, a void return type can be added to indicate that no value is returned from the function. Declared types also serve as run time assertions that functions are returning a reasonably typed response.


class Driver
    private int $serial_number;

    public function setSerialNumber(int $number): void
        $this->serial_number = $number;

    public function getSerialNumber(): int
        return $this->serial_number; 

$driver = new Driver();
$driver->setSerialNumber("Version 1b"); // This will throw a TypeError

Type Unions

If a function argument, return value or class property can be more than one type a type union may be declared.


class IdentityCard
    private int|null $id = null;

    public function assign(int|float $id): void
        $this->id = intval($id);

$card = new IdentityCard();

Mixed Types

When working with code, we may not be able to specify a type. Starting in PHP 8.0,an escape-hatch type named mixed is provided. Mixed is equivalent to a type union of object|resource|array|string|float|int|bool|null.


You have been working in the city office for a while, and you have developed a set of tools that speed up your day-to-day work, for example with filling out forms.

Now, a new colleague is joining you, and you realized your tools might not be self-explanatory. There are a lot of weird conventions in your office, like always filling out forms with uppercase letters and avoiding leaving fields empty.

As a first step you decide to add PHP type declarations so that it is easier for your new colleague to hop right in and start using your tools.

1. Declare the types for the Address class

Add property type declarations to each of the Address class properties declared. Each class property should be declared as a string.

2. Declare the types to fill out the form with blank values

Add a parameter type declaration and a return type declaration to the blanks method in the Form class. The method should take in an integer length, and return a string representation of the blank line.

3. Declare the type when splitting a value into separate letters

Add a parameter type declaration and a return type declaration to the letters method in the Form class. The method should take in a string, representing words, and return an array of letters.

4. Declare the type when checking if a value will fit into a form

Add parameter type declarations and a return type declaration to the checkLength method in the Form class. The method should take in a string word, and an integer maximum length, and return a true or false value.

5. Declare the type when formatting an address in the form

Add a parameter type declaration, making use of the Address class updated previously, and a return type declaration to the formatAddress method in the Form class. The method should take in an Address and return a formatted string.

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