from enum import IntEnum
class Scrabble(IntEnum):
A = E = I = O = U = L = N = R = S = T = 1
D = G = 2
B = C = M = P = 3
F = H = V = W = Y = 4
K = 5
J = X = 8
Q = Z = 10
def score(word):
return sum(Scrabble[character] for character in word.upper())
This approach uses an Enum
to define the score of each letter.
An Enum
(also known as an enumeration) is an object with named attributes assigned unique values.
These attributes are referred to as the enumeration members.
s can be iterated over to return their members in definition order.
Values can be accessed via index syntax using the member name (similar to how a dictionary lookup works) .
s are immutable, and their members function as constants.
The enum
module was added to python standard library (also known as stdlib) in Python 3.4.
This approach uses an IntEnum
An IntEnum
is very similar to an Enum
, but restricts assigned values to int
This allows the IntEnum
to act as a collection of integers.
In fact, IntEnum
s are considered subclasses of int
To use an IntEnum
you need to first import it using: from enum import IntEnum
Then you can define your IntEnum
The IntEnum
subclass is defined by using the class
keyword, followed by the name you are using for the class, and then the IntEnum
class you are subclassing in parenthesis:
class ClassName(IntEnum):
Member names are declared as constants (ALL CAPS) and assigned values using the =
This approach works by creating all the uppercase letters as members with their values being the score.
After the IntEnum
is defined, the score
function is defined.
The score
function takes a word as an argument.
The score
function uses the same generator expression as the dictionary approach, but with a slight modification.
Instead of looking up the value in a dictionary, it looks up the InEnum
class member value.