Generating Documents

The secondary use of configlet is generating documents.


The generate command can be used to generate instructions/introductions documents from a template.

configlet [global-options] generate

Global options:
  -h, --help                   Show this help message and exit
      --version                Show this tool's version information and exit
  -t, --track-dir <dir>        Specify a track directory to use instead of the current directory
  -v, --verbosity <verbosity>  The verbosity of output. Allowed values: q[uiet], n[ormal], d[etailed]


These are the documents that configlet can generate.

Document: Concept Exercise's file

Each Concept Exercise has an file. Each exercise can have an optional file.

The template file should be treated like a regular Markdown file but with one addition: the ability to specify placeholders. The following placeholders are supported:

When configlet detects that a Concept Exercise has an file, it will generate a file from it. The generated introduction will have the same contents as the template, except for the placeholders, which will be replaced with the contents of the documents they refer to.

Document: Practice Exercise's file

When configlet detects that a Practice Exercise implements a Problem Specifications Exercise that has an file, configlet will sync the Practice Exercise's .meta/ file with the Problem Specification Exercise's file.

Document: Practice Exercise's file

When configlet detects that a Practice Exercise implements a Problem Specifications Exercise, configlet will sync the Practice Exercise's .meta/ file with either the Problem Specifications Exercise's file or its file when no file was found.

Document: Practice Exercise's .meta/config.json file

When configlet detects that a Practice Exercise implements a Problem Specifications Exercise, configlet will sync the Problem Specification Exercise's source and source_url keys from its metadata.yml file to the Practice Exercise's source and source_url properties in its .meta/config.json file.