configlet create

When adding a new approach, article or exercise, you'll have to create files with very specific names. They also require configuration files to be added or updated. With the create command, configlet can do all this for you.


The create command can be used to create the files required to add a new approach, article or exercise, as well as modify any configuration files.

configlet [global-options] create [command-options]

Options for create:
      --approach <slug>           The slug of the approach
      --article <slug>            The slug of the article
      --practice-exercise <slug>  The slug of the practice exercise
      --concept-exercise <slug>   The slug of the concept exercise
  -e, --exercise <slug>           Only operate on this exercise
  -o, --offline                   Do not update the cached 'problem-specifications' data

Create Practice Exercise

The Add Practice Exercise docs have detailed instructions on how to add a Practice Exercise.

Create Concept Exercise

To create a concept exercise, one has to specify its slug:

configlet create --concept-exercise bird-watcher

This will create the concept exercise's required files, as specified in the Concept Exercises docs.

Of course, this is just the first step towards creating an exercise. You'll then have to:

  • Add tests to the tests file
  • Add an exemplar implementation
  • Define the stub file's contents
  • Write the introduction in .docs/
  • Write the instructions in .docs/
  • Within the exercise's .meta/config.json file:
    • Add the GitHub username of the exercise's authors to the authors key
  • Within the track's config.json file:
    • Check/update the exercise's difficulty
    • Add concepts to the concepts key
    • Add concepts to the prerequisites key

Create Approach

To create an approach's files, one has to specify the slug of the approach and its exercise:

configlet create --approach recursion --exercise collatz-conjecture

This will create the approach's required files, as specified in the Approaches docs.

Create Article

To create an article's files, one has to specify the slug of the article and its exercise:

configlet create --article performance --exercise collatz-conjecture

This will create the article's required files, as specified in the Articles docs.