Best Practices

Follow official best practices

The official Dockerfile best practices have lots of great content on how to improve your Dockerfiles.


You should primarily optimize for performance (especially for test runners). This will ensure your tooling runs as fast as possible and does not time-out.


Measuring execution time often is a great way to get a feel for the performance of tooling. Make it a habit to measure execution time both after and before a change. Even when you feel "certain" that a change will improve performance, you should still measure execution time.


When possible, create scripts to automatically measure performance (also known as benchmarking). A very helpful command-line tool is hyperfine, but feel free to use whatever makes the most sense for your tooling.

Newer track tooling repos will have access to the following two scripts:

  1. ./bin/ benchmark the track tooling code (source code)
  2. ./bin/ benchmark the track tooling Docker image (source code)

If you're working on a track tooling repo without these files, feel free to copy them into your repo using the above source links.


Benchmarking scripts can help estimate the tooling's performance. Bear in mind though that the performance on Exercism's production servers is often lower.

Experiment with different Base images

Try experimenting with different base images (e.g. Alpine instead of Ubuntu), to see if one (significantly) outperforms the other. If performance is relatively equal, go for the image that is smallest.

Try Internal Network

Check if using the internal network instead of none improves performance. See the network docs for more information.

Prefer build-time commands over run-time commands

Tooling runs as one-off, short-lived Docker container:

  1. A Docker container is created
  2. The Docker container is run with the correct arguments
  3. The Docker container is destroyed

Therefore, code that runs in step 2 runs for every single tooling run. For this reason, reducing the amount of code that runs in step 2 is a great way to improve performance One way of doing this is to move code from run-time to build-time. Whilst run-time code runs on every single tooling run, build-time code only runs once (when the Docker image is built).

Build-time code runs once as part of a GitHub Actions workflow. Therefore, its fine if the code that runs at build-time is (relatively) slow.

Example: pre-compile libraries

When running tests in the Haskell test runner, it requires some base libraries to be compiled. As each test run happens in a fresh container, this means that this compilation was done in every single test run! To circumvent this, the Haskell test runner's Dockerfile has the following two commands:

COPY pre-compiled/ .
RUN stack build --resolver lts-20.18 --no-terminal --test --no-run-tests

First, the pre-compiled directory is copied into the image. This directory is setup as a sort of fake exercise and depends on the same base libraries that the actual exercise depend on. Then we run the tests on that directory, which is similar to how tests are run for an actual exercise. Running the tests will result in the base being compiled, but the difference is that this happens at build time. The resulting Docker image will thus have its base libraries already compiled, which means that no longer has to happen at run time, resulting in (much) faster execution times.

Example: pre-compile binaries

Some languages allow code to be compiled ahead-of-time or just-in-time. This is a build time vs. run time tradeoff, and again, we favor build time execution for performance reasons.

The C# test runner's Dockerfile uses this approach, where the test runner is compiled to a binary ahead-of-time (at build time) instead of just-in-time compiling the code (at run time). This means that there is less work to do at run-time, which should help increase performance.


You should try to reduce the image's size, which means that it'll:

  • Be faster to deploy
  • Reduce costs for us
  • Improve startup time of each container

Try different distributions

Different distribution images will have different sizes. For example, the alpine:3.20.2 image is ten times smaller than the ubuntu:24.10 image:

alpine       3.20.2    8.83MB
ubuntu       24.10     101MB

In general, Alpine-based images are amongst the smallest images, so many tooling images are based on Alpine.

Try slimmed-down images

Some images have special "slim" variants, in which some features will have been removed resulting in smaller image sizes. For example, the node:20.16.0-slim image is five times smaller than the node:20.16.0 image:

node         20.16.0        1.09GB
node         20.16.0-slim   219MB

The reason "slim" variants are smaller is that they'll have less features. Your image might not need the additional features, and if not, consider using the "slim" variant.

Removing unneeded bits

An obvious, but great, way to reduce the size of your image is to remove anything you don't need. These can include things like:

  • Source files that are no longer needed after building a binary from them
  • Files targeting different architectures from the Docker image
  • Documentation

Remove package manager files

Most Docker images need to install additional packages, which is usually done via a package manager. These packages must be installed at build time (as no internet connection is available at run time). Therefore, any package manager caching/bookkeeping files should be removed after installing the additional packages.


Distributions that uses the apk package manager (such as Alpine) should use the --no-cache flag when using apk add to install packages:

RUN apk add --no-cache curl

Distributions that use the apt-get/apk package manager (such as Ubuntu) should run the apt-get autoremove -y and rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* commands after installing the packages and in the same RUN command:

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install curl -y && \
    apt-get autoremove -y && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

Use multi-stage builds

Docker has a feature called multi-stage builds. These allow you to partition your Dockerfile into separate stages, with only the last stage ending up in the produced Docker image (the rest is only there to support building the last stage). You can think of each stage as its own mini Dockerfile; stages can use different base images.

Multi-stage builds are particularly useful when your Dockerfile requires packages to be installed that are only needed at build time. In this situation, the general structure of your Dockerfile looks like this:

  1. Define a new stage (we'll call this the "build" stage). This stage will only be used at build time.
  2. Install the required additional packages (into the "build" stage).
  3. Run the commands that require the additional packages (within the "build" stage).
  4. Define a new stage (we'll call this the "runtime" stage). This stage will make up the resulting Docker image and executed at run time.
  5. Copy the result(s) from the commands run in step 3 (in the "build" stage) into this stage (the "runtime" stage).

With this setup, the additional packages are only installed in the "build" stage and not in the "runtime" stage, which means that they won't end up in the Docker image that is produced.

Example: downloading files

The Fortran test runner requires curl to download some files. However, its run time image does not need curl, which makes this a perfect use case for a multi-stage build.

First, its Dockerfile defines a stage (named "build") in which the curl package is installed. It then uses curl to download files into that stage.

FROM alpine:3.15 AS build

RUN apk add --no-cache curl

WORKDIR /opt/test-runner
COPY bust_cache .

WORKDIR /opt/test-runner/testlib
RUN curl -R -O
RUN curl -R -O

WORKDIR /opt/test-runner
RUN curl -R -O

The second part of the Dockerfile defines a new stage and copies the downloaded files from the "build" stage into its own stage using the COPY command:

FROM alpine:3.15

RUN apk add --no-cache coreutils jq gfortran libc-dev cmake make

WORKDIR /opt/test-runner
COPY --from=build /opt/test-runner/ .

COPY . .
ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/test-runner/bin/"]
Example: installing libraries

The Ruby test runner needs the git, openssh, build-base, gcc and wget packages to be installed before its required libraries (gems) can be installed. Its Dockerfile starts with a stage (given the name build) that install those packages (via apk add) and then installs the libaries (via bundle install):

FROM ruby:3.2.2-alpine3.18 AS build

RUN apk update && apk upgrade && \
    apk add --no-cache git openssh build-base gcc wget git

COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock .

RUN gem install bundler:2.4.18 && \
    bundle config set without 'development test' && \
    bundle install

It then defines the stage that will form the resulting Docker image. This stage does not install the dependencies the previous stage installed, instead it uses the COPY command to copy the installed libraries from the build stage into its own stage:

FROM ruby:3.2.2-alpine3.18

RUN apk add --no-cache bash

WORKDIR /opt/test-runner

COPY --from=build /usr/local/bundle /usr/local/bundle

COPY . .

ENTRYPOINT [ "sh", "/opt/test-runner/bin/" ]

The C# test runner's Dockerfile does something similar, only in this case the build stage can use an existing Docker image that has pre-installed the additional packages required to install libraries.


Use integration tests

Unit tests can be very useful, but we recommend focusing on writing integration tests. Their main benefit is that they better test how tooling runs in production, and thus help increase confidence in your tooling's implementation.

Use Docker

To best mimic the production environment, the integration tests should run the tooling like the production environment. This means building the Docker image and then running the built image on a solution to verify its output.

Use golden tests

Integration tests should be defined as golden tests, which are tests where the expected output is stored in a file. This is perfect for track-tooling integration tests, as the output of tooling are also files.

Example: test runner

When running the test runner on a solution, its output is a results.json file. We can then compare this file against a "known good" (i.e. "expected") output file (named expected_results.json) to check if the test runner works as intended.


Safety is a main reason why we're using Docker containers to run our tooling.

Prefer official images

There are many Docker images on Docker Hub, but try to use official ones. These images are curated and have (far) less chance of being unsafe.

Pin versions

To ensure that builds are stable (i.e. they don't suddenly break), you should always pin your base images to specific tags. That means instead of:

FROM alpine:latest

you should use:

FROM alpine:3.20.2

With the latter, builds will always use the same version.

Run as a non-privileged user

By default, many images will run with a user that has root privileges. You should consider running as a non-privileged user.

FROM alpine

RUN groupadd -r myuser && useradd -r -g myuser myuser


USER myuser

Update package repositories to latest version

It is (almost) always a good idea to install the latest versions

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install curl

Support read-only filesystem

We encourage Docker files to be written using a read-only filesystem. The only directories you should assume to be writeable are:

  • The solution dir (passed in as the second argument)
  • The output dir (passed in as the third argument)
  • The /tmp dir

Our production environment currently does not enforce a read-only filesystem, but we might in the future. For this reason, the base template for a new test runner/analyzer/representer starts out with a read-only filesystem. If you can't get things working on a read-only file, feel free to (for now) assume a writeable file system.