Exercism CLI

The Exercism CLI lets students download exercises and submit solutions to the site. It also supports the exercism test command, which then runs the track-specific command to run the tests.

Adding new language

The track-specific test commands are defined in a configuration file. You can add support for your language by adding an entry to that configuration file, where the key is the track's slug.

Test command placeholders

There are two placeholders that can be used in the track-specific command:

  • {{test_files}}: a space-separated list of the test files (as found in the .files.test key in the exercise's .meta/config.json file)
  • {{solution_files}}: a space-separated list of the solution files (as found in the .files.solution key in the exercise's .meta/config.json file)

Here is an example pull request that adds support for the Arturo language.