There are two types of icons relevant to tracks:
Name | Icon |
accumulate | |
acronym | |
affine-cipher | |
all-your-base | |
allergies | |
alphametics | |
amusement-park | |
amusement-park-improvements | |
anagram | |
anagrams | |
annalyns-infiltration | |
annalyns-infiltration2 | |
armstrong-numbers | |
array-loops | |
assembly-line | |
atbash-cipher | |
attack-of-the-trolls | |
authentication-system | |
bandwagoner | |
bank-account | |
basics | |
basketball-website | |
beauty-salon-goes-global | |
beer-song | |
bettys-bike-shop | |
binary | |
binary-search | |
binary-search-tree | |
bird-count | |
bird-watcher | |
blackjack | |
bob | |
bomb-defuser | |
book-store | |
booking-up-for-beauty | |
booleans | |
boutique-inventory | |
boutique-inventory-improvements | |
boutique-suggestions | |
bowling | |
bracket-push | |
bread-and-potions | |
building-telemetry | |
calculator-conundrum | |
captains-log | |
car-purchase | |
card-tricks | |
cars-assemble | |
census | |
change | |
character-study | |
chessboard | |
circular-buffer | |
city-office | |
clock | |
collatz-conjecture | |
community-garden | |
complex-numbers | |
connect | |
coordinate-transformation | |
crypto-square | |
csv-builder | |
custom-set | |
custom-signs | |
darts | |
date-parser | |
decimal | |
developer-privileges | |
diamond | |
die | |
difference-of-squares | |
diffie-hellman | |
dna-encoding | |
dnd-character | |
documented-lasagna | |
dominoes | |
dot-dsl | |
doubly-linked-list | |
dungeons-and-dragons | |
eight-queens | |
election-day | |
elons-toys | |
elyses-analytic-enchantments | |
elyses-enchantments | |
elyses-transformative-enchantments | |
emoji-times | |
equilateral-triangle | |
error-handling | |
errors | |
etl | |
exercism-matrix | |
faceid-2 | |
factory-sensors | |
fibonacci-iterator | |
file-sniffer | |
fizz-buzz | |
fizzy | |
flatten-array | |
food-chain | |
football-match-reports | |
forth | |
freelancer-rates | |
fruit-picker | |
futures | |
german-sysadmin | |
gigasecond | |
go-counting | |
grade-school | |
grains | |
grep | |
gross-store | |
guessing-game | |
hamming | |
hangman | |
health-statistics | |
hello-world | |
hexadecimal | |
high-school-sweethearts | |
high-score | |
high-score-board | |
high-scores | |
house | |
hyper-optimized-telemetry | |
hyperia-forex | |
hyperinflation-hits-hyperia | |
instruments-of-texas | |
interest-is-interesting | |
international-calling-connoisseur | |
isbn-verifier | |
isogram | |
kindergarten-garden | |
kitchen-calculator | |
knapsack | |
land-grab-in-space | |
language-list | |
largest-series-product | |
larrys-winning-checker | |
lasagna | |
lasagna-master | |
leap | |
ledger | |
lens-person | |
library-fees | |
linked-list | |
list-ops | |
log-levels | |
logs-logs-logs | |
low-power-embedded-game | |
lucky-numbers | |
luhn | |
macros | |
magazine-cutout | |
magician-in-training | |
maps | |
markdown | |
mask-credit-card | |
master-mixologist | |
matching-brackets | |
matrix | |
meetup | |
mensch-aergere-dich-nicht | |
micro-blog | |
microwave | |
minesweeper | |
minima | |
missing-number | |
mixed-juices | |
movie-goer | |
moviegoer | |
name-badge | |
need-for-speed | |
new-passport | |
newsletter | |
nth-prime | |
nucleotide-codons | |
nucleotide-count | |
nullability | |
numbers | |
object-relational-mapping | |
ocr-numbers | |
octal | |
ordinal-numbers | |
orm-in-one-go | |
ozans-playlist | |
paasio | |
pacman-rules | |
pal-picker | |
palindrome-products | |
pangram | |
parallel-letter-frequency | |
parsing-log-files | |
party-robot | |
pascals-triangle | |
perfect-numbers | |
phone-number | |
phone-number-analysis | |
pig-latin | |
pizza-order | |
pizza-pricing | |
pizza-slices | |
poetry-club | |
poetry-club-door-policy | |
point-mutations | |
poker | |
pov | |
prime-factors | |
prime-number | |
promises | |
protein-translation | |
proverb | |
pythagorean-triplet | |
queen-attack | |
rail-fence-cipher | |
raindrops | |
rational-numbers | |
react | |
rectangles | |
red-vs-blue-darwin-style | |
remote-control-cleanup | |
remote-control-competition | |
resistor-color | |
resistor-color-duo | |
resistor-color-trio | |
rest-api | |
reverse-string | |
rle | |
rna-transcription | |
robot-name | |
robot-simulator | |
role-playing-game | |
roll-the-die | |
roman-numerals | |
rotational-cipher | |
rpn-calculator | |
run-length-encoding | |
saddle-points | |
salary-calculator | |
santas-helper | |
satellite | |
savings-account | |
say | |
scale-generator | |
scrabble-score | |
secret-agent | |
secret-handshake | |
secrets | |
secure-munchester-united | |
semi-structured-logs | |
series | |
sgf-parsing | |
short-fibonacci | |
sieve | |
simple-calculator | |
simple-cipher | |
simple-linked-list | |
slices | |
socks-and-sexprs | |
sorting-room | |
space-age | |
spiral-matrix | |
square-root | |
squeaky-clean | |
stage-heralding | |
strain | |
strings | |
strings-package | |
sublist | |
sum-of-multiples | |
take-a-number | |
the-farm | |
the-weather-in-deather | |
tim-from-marketing | |
time | |
tisbury-treasure-hunt | |
top-secret | |
tournament | |
tracks-on-tracks-on-tracks | |
translation-service | |
transpose | |
tree-building | |
triangle | |
trinary | |
twelve-days | |
two_product_production_decision | |
two-bucket | |
two-fer | |
valentines-day | |
variable-length-quantity | |
vehicle-purchase | |
weather-forecast | |
weighing-machine | |
welcome-to-tech-palace | |
windowing-system | |
wine-cellar | |
wizards-and-warriors | |
wizards-and-warriors-2 | |
word-count | |
word-search | |
wordy | |
xorcism | |
yacht | |
zebra-puzzle | |
zero-value |
Name | Icon |
community | |
concurrency | |
cross-platform | |
documentation | |
dynamically-typed | |
easy | |
embeddable | |
evolving | |
expressive | |
extensible | |
fast | |
fun | |
functional | |
garbage-collected | |
general-purpose | |
homoiconic | |
immutable | |
interactive | |
interop | |
multi-paradigm | |
portable | |
powerful | |
productive | |
safe | |
scientific | |
small | |
stable | |
statically-typed | |
tooling | |
web | |
widely-used |