Tagging solutions

Analyzer tags are used to identify how a solution was solved.

These tags can then be used to:

  • Link a solution to approaches
  • Link a solution to concepts
  • Search for solutions with certain tags


A tag is a string that is formatted as: <category>:<thing>.

We support four different categories, going from highest to lowest level:

Category Description Specificity Examples
paradigm A programming paradigm Very high-level, not track-specific imperative, functional
technique A technique being used High-level, most won't be track-specific recursion, immutability
construct A language construct Many won't be track-specific bitwise-and, for-loop
uses Language-specific usage, like types or methods Low-level, track-specific DateTime.add_seconds, IEnumerable

Some example tags:

  • paradigm:functional
  • technique:recursion
  • construct:bitwise-and
  • uses:DateTime.add_seconds

Commonly used tags

Whilst tracks are free to tag solutions as they see fit, we recommend trying to use the below list of commonly used tags when possible. Using a common set of tags will allow us to do some nifty things, like cross-track linking of solutions.


Tag Description
paradigm:array uses array programming.
paradigm:declarative uses declarative programming.
paradigm:functional uses functional programming.
paradigm:generic uses generic programming.
paradigm:imperative uses imperative programming.
paradigm:logic uses logic programming.
paradigm:meta uses metaprogramming.
paradigm:object-oriented uses object-oriented programming.
paradigm:procedural uses procedural programming.
paradigm:reflective uses reflective programming.
paradigm:stack-oriented uses stack-oriented programming.


Tag Description
technique:bit-manipulation manipulates bits, usually via bitwise operators (e.g. AND, XOR or left shift)
technique:bit-shifting shifts bits in a number
technique:boolean-logic executes boolean logic (AND, OR, NOT)
technique:composition uses composition
technique:concurrency runs code concurrently
technique:enumeration enumerates over values
technique:error-handling handles errors
technique:exceptions catches or throws exceptions
technique:function-composition uses function composition
technique:generator uses a generator
technique:higher-order-functions uses higher-order functions
technique:immutability uses immutability
technique:immutable-collection uses a collection whose contents are immutable
technique:inheritance uses inheritance
technique:laziness produces values lazily, only when needed
technique:locks uses locks to get exclusive access to resources
technique:looping uses loops
technique:math uses math
technique:memory-management manages memory
technique:ordering orders data
technique:parallelism runs code in parallel
technique:parser parses data
technique:pointers uses pointers
technique:randomness uses randomness
technique:recursion uses recursion
technique:regular-expression uses regular expressions
technique:short-circuiting uses short-circuiting to prevent unnecessary evaluation
technique:sorted-collection uses a collection whose elements are always sorted
technique:sorting sorts data
technique:tail-call-optimization uses tail-call optimization for efficient recursion
technique:type-conversion converts values from one type to another type
technique:unsafe uses unsafe code (for example pointer arithmetic)


Tag Description
construct:abstract-class defines an abstract class
construct:abstract-method defines an abstract method
construct:add-assignment combines addition with assignment
construct:add uses addition
construct:array uses or declares an array
construct:assignment assigns or binds a value to a variable/name
construct:async-await uses async/await
construct:attribute annotates a member with metadata
construct:auto-implemented-property defines an auto-implemented property
construct:big-integer uses a big integer
construct:binary-number defines a number in binary notation
construct:bit-array uses or declares a bit array
construct:bitwise-and-assignment combines a bitwise AND with assignment
construct:bitwise-and executes a bitwise AND
construct:bitwise-left-shift-assignment combines a bitwise left shift with assignment
construct:bitwise-left-shift executes a bitwise left shift
construct:bitwise-not executes a bitwise NOT
construct:bitwise-or-assignment combines a bitwise OR with assignment
construct:bitwise-or executes a bitwise OR
construct:bitwise-right-shift-assignment combines a bitwise right shift with assignment
construct:bitwise-right-shift executes a bitwise right shift
construct:bitwise-xor-assignment combines a bitwise XOR with assignment
construct:bitwise-xor executes a bitwise XOR
construct:block defines a block containing a list of statements
construct:boolean defines or uses a boolean value
construct:boxing uses boxing
construct:break breaks from a loop
construct:byte uses an unsigned 8-bit integer
construct:catch catches an exception
construct:char uses a character
construct:checked-arithmetic uses checked arithmetic (which guards against overflows)
construct:class defines a class
construct:collection-initializer sets a collection's values via an initializer
construct:command defines a command
construct:comment defines a comment
construct:comparison-chaining chains comparison calls
construct:comparison compares two values for their relative order
construct:complex-number uses a complex number
construct:computed-string defines a computed string
construct:concatenation concatenates values
construct:conditional-access accesses a method conditionally
construct:conditional-operator uses a ternary conditional operator
construct:conditional executes code conditionally
construct:constant defines a constant (immutable) value
construct:constructor defines a constructor
construct:continue continues to the next iteration of a loop
construct:conversion-operator defines a conversion operator
construct:copy copies a value
construct:coroutine defines or uses a coroutine
construct:custom-attribute defines a custom attribute
construct:date-time uses a value that represents a combination of date and time
construct:date uses va value that represents a date (no time)
construct:decimal uses a 128-bit floating-point number
construct:decrement decrements a value
construct:default-interface-implementation defines default implementation in an interface
construct:default defines a default value (e.g. for a parameter)
construct:destructuring decontructs a value into its parts
construct:dictionary-comprehension creates a dictionary via a comprehension
construct:dictionary uses/defines a dictionary/map
construct:discard uses the special discard value
construct:divide-assignment combines division with assignment
construct:divide uses division
construct:do-while-loop uses a do-while loop
construct:double uses a 64-bit floating-point number
construct:else defines an else branch
construct:enum defines or uses an enum (enumeration of values)
construct:equality compares the equality of two values
construct:error defines or uses an error
construct:event defines or uses events
construct:exception defines or uses exceptions
construct:explicit-conversion converts from one type to another type explicitly
construct:explicit-import imports only select functionality
construct:exponentiation calculates the exponentiation of a value
construct:expression-bodied-member defines an expression-bodied member
construct:extension-method defines an extension method
construct:field-access accesses a field
construct:field defines a field
construct:finally uses finally to ensure that a specific code block always runs
construct:flags-enum defines or uses a flag enum
construct:float uses a 32-bit floating-point number
construct:floating-point-number uses a floating-point number
construct:for-loop uses a for loop
construct:foreach uses a foreach loop
construct:function-overloading uses function overloading
construct:function defines a function
construct:generator defines a generator function or method
construct:generic-function defines a function that is parameterized with one or more types
construct:generic-method defines a method that is parameterized with one or more types
construct:generic-type defines type that is parameterized with one or more types
construct:getter defines a getter
construct:global-function defines a function that is available globally
construct:global-variable defines a variable that is available globally
construct:header defines a header file
construct:hexadecimal-number defines a number in hexadecimal notation
construct:if uses an if statement
construct:implicit-conversion converts from one type to another type implicitly
construct:implicit-loop loops over a collection of values implicitly
construct:implicit-return returns a value implicitly
construct:import imports functionality implemented elsewhere (e.g. from a namespace/module)
construct:increment increments a value
construct:index-operator defines an operator for indexing an object
construct:indexer defines or uses an indexer
construct:indexing accesses a value by index
construct:inequality compares the inequality of two values
construct:infix-operator defines an infix operator
construct:initialization initializes an object after creation
construct:initializer-list initializes the values of an object's fields
construct:initializer initializes an object
construct:instance creates or uses an instance of a type
construct:instantiation creates an instance of a type
construct:int uses a signed 32-bit integer
construct:integral-number uses an integral number (integer)
construct:interface defines an interface
construct:invocation invokes a method/function
construct:iterator defines a function or method that can be iterated over
construct:jagged-array uses a jagged array (an array of arrays)
construct:lambda defines a lambda (aka an "anonymous function")
construct:linked-list uses a linked list
construct:linq uses LINQ
construct:list-comprehension builds a list via a comprehension
construct:list uses a list
construct:local-function defines a local function
construct:local-variable defines a local variable
construct:lock uses a lock
construct:logical-and executes a logical AND
construct:logical-not executes a logical NOT
construct:logical-or executes a logical OR
construct:long uses a signed 64-bit integer
construct:loop defines a loop
construct:macro defines a macro
construct:membership-test tests a value for membership in another value
construct:metatable defines a metatable
construct:method-chaining chains several method calls
construct:method-overloading uses method overloading
construct:method-override defines an overridden method
construct:method defines a method
construct:module defines a module (grouping of code)
construct:modulo-assignment combines division remainder with assignment
construct:modulo uses division remainder
construct:multi-dimensional-array uses an array with multiple dimensions
construct:multiline-string defines a multiline string
construct:multiple-assignment assigns multiple values at once
construct:multiple-dispatch uses multiple dispatch
construct:multiply-assignment combines multiplication with assignment
construct:multiply uses multiplication
construct:named-argument passes an argument by name
construct:namespace defines a namespace (grouping of code)
construct:nested-function defines a nested function
construct:nested-type defines a nested type
construct:nesting uses nesting
construct:nint uses a signed platform-specific integer (32- or 64-bit)
construct:nuint uses an unsigned platform-specific integer (32- or 64-bit)
construct:null uses null/nil to represents the absence of a value
construct:nullability deals with null/nil values
construct:number uses a number (signed or unsigned)
construct:object-initializer sets an object's values via an initializer
construct:octal-number defines a number in octal notation
construct:operator-overloading uses operator overloading
construct:option uses an option type
construct:optional-parameter defines an optional parameter
construct:overflow uses arithmetic overflow
construct:parameter defines a parameter
construct:parenthesized-expression encloses an expression in parentheses
construct:pattern-matching uses pattern matching
construct:pattern defines a pattern uses in pattern matching
construct:pipe-backward uses a backward pipe
construct:pipe-forward uses a forward pipe
construct:pipeline defines a pipeline
construct:point-free defines functions without the arguments they operate on
construct:pointer uses a pointer
construct:postfix-decrement decrements a value using postfix notation
construct:postfix-increment increments a value using postfix notation
construct:prefix-decrement decrements a value using prefix notation
construct:prefix-increment increments a value using prefix notation
construct:print prints a value to the console
construct:property defines a property (getter/setter)
construct:query-expression queries data via an expression
construct:queue uses a queue
construct:range defines a range
construct:read-only defines a read-only value
construct:record defines a record
construct:regular-expression defines or uses a regular expression
construct:result uses a result type
construct:return-type defines the return type of a function or method
construct:return returns from a function/method
construct:sbyte uses a signed 8-bit integer
construct:scientific-notation-number defines a number in scientific notation
construct:set-comprehension creates a set via a comprehension
construct:set uses a set
construct:setter defines a setter
construct:short uses a signed 16-bit integer
construct:slice uses a slice
construct:stack uses a stack
construct:static-field defines a static field
construct:static-method defines a static method
construct:string-formatting builds a string via a format string
construct:string-interpolation defines an interpolated string
construct:string defines a string
construct:struct defines a struct
construct:subtract-assignment combines subtraction with assignment
construct:subtract uses subtraction
construct:sum-type defines a sum type
construct:switch uses a switch
construct:table defines a table
construct:template-alias defines an alias for a template
construct:template-parameter defines a template parameter
construct:template defines a template
construct:throw throws an exception
construct:time uses an object that represents the time
construct:try handles an exception explicitly
construct:tuple uses a tuple
construct:type-alias defines an alias for a type
construct:type-conversion converts (casts) a value to another type
construct:type-extension extends a type with new functionality
construct:type-inference infers the type of a value/function automatically
construct:type-test test if a value has a specific type
construct:uint uses an unsigned 32-bit integer
construct:ulong uses an unsigned 64-bit integer
construct:unary-minus uses a unary minus
construct:unary-plus uses a unary plus
construct:underscored-number uses a number with underscores as its digit separators
construct:union-type defines a union type
construct:user-defined-exception defines a custom, user-defined exception
construct:ushort uses an unsigned 16-bit integer
construct:using-directive uses code from another file
construct:using-statement assigns and disposes a value via the using statement
construct:varargs defines a parameter that supports passing in zero or more values
construct:variable declares variable
construct:vector uses a vector
construct:verbatim-string uses a verbatim string (no escape sequences)
construct:virtual-method defines a virtual method
construct:visibility-modifiers specifies the visibility of a construct (e.g. a method or class)
construct:while-loop uses a while loop
construct:yield yields a value in a loop lazily


As this category is language-specific, there are no commonly used tags here.