You're working on a website for basketball team. The website displays lots of data, but unfortunately what is displayed changes often. As the data is stored in a single object, this is not hard to do, but it is time-consuming and boring. You've therefore decided to automate things.
These are examples of tasks that fit the story of automating the website:
- Your goal is to allow the content team to select which data to display by themselves. They'll do this by specifying a path to the data to be displayed in the website's content editor. Your task is to create a function extract that takes an object and a path, separated by a dot character. Return the value at that path, or a default value.
Additional Tasks
The story can be continued, for example:
- The content team is very excited about this new functionality, and has already requested a new feature to be added. They'd like to be able to display data of specific elements in an array.