Setup Continuous Integration

Setting up Continuous Integration (CI) for your track is very important, as it helps catch mistakes.

GitHub Actions

Exercism repos (including track repos) use GitHub Actions to run their CI. GitHub Actions are based on workflows, which define scripts to run automatically whenever a specific event occurs (e.g. pushing a commit). For more information on GitHub Actions workflows, check the workflows docs.

Pre-installed workflows

Tracks come pre-installed with a number of workflows, most of which you should not modify (they're called shared workflows). There is one workflow that you should change though, which is the test.yml workflow.

Test workflow

The goal of the test.yml workflow is to verify that the track's exercises are in proper shape. The workflow is setup to run automatically (in GitHub Actions terminology: is triggered) when a push is made to the main branch or to a pull request's branch.

The workflow itself should not do much, except for:

  • Checking out the code (already implemented)
  • Installing dependencies (e.g. installing packages, optional)
  • Installing tooling (e.g. installing an SDK, optional)
  • Running the verify exercises script (already implemented)

Implement the verify exercises script

As mentioned, the exercises are verified via a script, namely the bin/verify-exercises (bash) script. This script is almost done, and does the following:

  • Loops over all exercise directories
  • For each exercise directory, it then:
    • Copies the example/exemplar solution to the (stub) solution files (already implemented)
    • Calls the unskip_tests function in which you can unskip tests in your test files (optional)
    • Calls the run_tests function in which you should run the tests (required)

The run_tests and unskip_tests functions are the only things that you need to implement.

Unskip tests

If your track supports skipping tests, we must ensure that no tests are skipped when verifying an exercise's example/exemplar solution. In general, there are two ways in which tracks support "unskipping" tests:

  1. Removing annotations/code/text from the test files. For example, changing test.skip to test.
  2. Providing an environment variable. For example, setting SKIP_TESTS=false.

Removing annotations/code/text from the test files

If skipping tests is file-based (the first option mentioned above), edit the unskip_tests function to modify the test files (the existing code already handles the looping over the test files).


The unskip_test function runs on a copy of an exercise directory, so feel free to modify the files as you see fit.


The Arturo track's bin/verify-exercises file uses sed to unskip the tests within the test files:

unskip_tests() {
    jq -r '.files.test[]' .meta/config.json | while read -r test_file; do
        sed -i 's/test.skip/test/g' "${test_file}"

Providing an environment variable


If unskipping tests requires an environment variable to be set, make sure that it is set in the run_tests function.

Run tests

The run_tests function is responsible for running the tests of an exercise. When the function is called, the example/exemplar files will already have been copied to (stub) solution files, so you only need to call the right command to run the tests.

The function must return zero as the exit code if all tests pass, otherwise return a non-zero exit code.


The run_tests function runs on a copy of an exercise directory, so feel free to modify the files as you see fit.

Option 1: use language tooling

The default option for the verify exercises script is to use the language's tooling (SDK/binary/etc.), which is what most tracks use. Each track will have its own way of running the tests, but usually it is just a single command.


The Arturo track's bin/verify-exercises file modifies the run_tests function to simply call the arturo command on the test file:

run_tests() {

Option 2: use the test runner Docker image

The second option is to verify the exercises by running the track's test runner. This of course depends on the track having a working test runner.

If your track does not yet have a test runner, you can either:

  • build a working test runner, or
  • use option 1 and directly use the language tooling

The following modifications need to be made to the default bin/verify-exercises script:

  1. Verify that the docker command is available
  2. Pull (download) the test runner Docker image
  3. Use docker run to run the test runner Docker image on each exercise
  4. Use jq to verify that the results.json file returned by the Docker container indicates all tests passed
  5. Remove the unskip_test function and the call to that function

The main benefit of this approach is that it best mimics how tests are being run in production (on the website). With this approach, it is less likely that things fail in production that passed in CI. The downside of this approach is that it usually is slower, due to having to pull the Docker image and the overhead of Docker.


The Unison track's bin/verify-exercises file adds the check to verify that the docker command is also installed:

required_tool docker

Then, it pulls the track's test runner image:

docker pull exercism/unison-test-runner

It then modifies the run_tests function to use docker run to run the test runner on the current exercise (which is in the working directory), followed by a jq command to check for the right status:

run_tests() {
    local slug


    docker run \
        --rm \
        --network none \
        --mount type=bind,src="${PWD}",dst=/solution \
        --mount type=bind,src="${PWD}",dst=/output \
        --tmpfs /tmp:rw \
        exercism/unison-test-runner "${slug}" "/solution" "/output"
    jq -e '.status == "pass"' "${PWD}/results.json" >/dev/null 2>&1

Finally, we need to modify the calling of the run_tests command, as it now requires the slug:

run_tests "${slug}"

Implement the test workflow

Now that the verify-exercises script is finished, it's time to finalize the test.yml workflow. How to do so depends on what option was chosen for the verify-exercises script implementation.

Option 1: use language tooling

If the verify-exercises script directly uses the language's tooling, the test workflow will need to install:

  • Language tooling dependencies, such as openssh or a C/C++ compiler.
  • Language tooling, such as an SDK or binary. If the language tooling installation does not add the installed binary/binaries to the path, make sure to add it to GitHub Actions' system path.

Once that is done, the verify-exercises should work as expected, and you've successfully set up CI!

For an example, see the Arturo track's test.yml workflow:

name: Test

    branches: [main]
    branches: [main]

    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04

      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332

      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          sudo apt-get update
          sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev libmpfr-dev

      - name: Install Arturo
        run: bin/install-arturo
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}

      - name: Verify all exercises
        run: bin/verify-exercises

Option 2: use the test runner Docker image

The second option is to verify the exercises by running the track's test runner. This option requires two things to be true:

  1. The track has a working test runner
  2. The verify-exercises script use the test runner Docker image to run an exercise's tests

If your track does not yet have a test runner, you can either:

  • build a working test runner, or
  • use option 1 and directly use the language tooling

This approach has a couple of advantages:

  1. You don't need to install any dependencies/tooling within the test workflow (as those will have been installed within the Docker image)
  2. The approach best mimics how tests are being run in production (on the website), reducing the likelihood of production issues.

The main downside is that it likely is slower, due to having to pull the Docker image and the overhead of Docker.

There a couple of ways in which could pull the test runner Docker image:

  1. Download the image within the verify-exercises file. This is the approach taken by the Unison track.
  2. Download the image within the workflow. This is the approach taken by the Standard ML track.
  3. Build the image within the workflow. This is the approach taken by the 8th track.

So which approach to use? We recommend at least implementing option number 1, to make the verify-exercises script be standalone. If your image is particularly large, it might be beneficial to also implement option 3, which will store the built Docker image into the GitHub Actions cache. Subsequent runs can then just read the Docker image from cache, instead of downloading it, which might be better for performance (please measure to be sure).

Option 3: running the verify exercises script within test runner Docker image

A third, alternative option is a hybrid of the previous two options. Here, we're also using the test runner Docker image, only this time we run the verify-exercises script within that Docker image. To enable this option, we need to set the workflow's container to the test runner:

  image: exercism/vimscript-test-runner

We can then skip the dependencies and tooling installation steps (as those will have been installed within the test runner Docker image) and proceed with running the bin/verify-exercises script.


The vimscript track's test.yml workflow uses this option:

name: Verify Exercises

    branches: [main]

    runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
      image: exercism/vimscript-test-runner

      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332

      - name: Verify all exercises
        run: bin/verify-exercises