Test track

Before launching your track (meaning, the "active" key is still false in the track's config.json), it is important the track is tested. This will help find (common) errors and allows them to be fixed before the track is launched, which means that students won't ever encounter them.

How to enable the track for testing

To enable the track for testing, it needs to be added to our database, which is something only site admins can do. Please open a topic on the forum requesting this.

Note that adding the track to the database will not launch the track, but it will make it accessible on the website for maintainer users.

How to find testers

The ideal users to test the track are other track maintainers, as they:

  • Have experience building a track (and thus know what should have been built)
  • Are able to access track's that are not yet active

To get maintainers to test your track, open a topic on the forum requesting this.